Part 10: Act One Chapter Seven - Elanee
We've defeated the undead plaguing Fort Locke, but bandits are still running rampant all over the High Road. Once again it's up to us to save the day.
Refugees fleeing lizardling attacks were taken prisoner by bandits. Liza, their leader, has been trying to raise a ransom but is willing to give it to us if we rescue her friends.

Neeshka proves herself useful by marking the bandit camp location on her map. We pick the greedy loot-crazed option for an Influence point.

The Fort's priest, Tor, lost his holy symbol to bandits on the way here from Highcliff. It's useless to us, so we'll probably give it back.

The sun is setting as we approach the camp.

We're quick enough killing the guards to stop anyone sounding the alarm.

The refugees are all corralled up in this pen outside. We're all set to make a stealthy exit...

...but some arsewipe of a bandit is watching and calls the guards.

What you're supposed to do here is run for the camp exit like a madman, leading the refugees behind you - and hoping they don't get killed by the guards.

But they're all set to follow Calliope - so we hide back here in the pen while Khelgar and Neeshka deal with the guards.

We've rescued the prisoners, now all we have to do is bring down the bandit chieftain. This tiny little house must be his den!

The tiny little house is actually really big inside. It's also full of hundreds of bandits.
Seriously, you can't see it due to corpse decay, but we've killed several dozens bandits inside this house alone. You kill seven measly people in the real world and they call it a massacre, but this? Nothing.

The chief is lurking at the back of the house.

There's several different ways to deal with the chief. You can get him to bribe you to leave him alone (and bluff Tann into giving you the reward back at the Fort), or convince him to surrender to Fort Locke in exchange for amnesty and a new job as an officer in the Greycloaks.
For maximum Lawful/Evil points, though, we butcher him and his allies.

The nonviolent solutions would have made more sense had we not been forced to kill fifty bandits just to get to this point.

We return Tor's holy symbol to him. Well, actually, because Khelgar's got it and not Calliope, the script doesn't trigger right and we've actually still got it. A shame it's useless.

Liza is grateful for the return of the refugees. We get reward money and an experience bonus for getting everyone out of the camp alive.

We also pick up a reward from Tann, finishing the Fort Locke questlines and freeing us up to move on to Highcliff. Finally, plot progression!


It's that elf that was following us before... at Fort Locke, and at the swamp ruins before that.

But she's on our side?

At times I think the humour is the only thing saving the early parts of NWN2. Neeshka in particular is just brutal.

We take the reasonable option, but lose an influence point with Elanee because of it. Hey, it was Khelgar who said it first, not me!

Oh, by the way, Elanee is lying.

This is actually the pretty tame version of this dialogue. If you're male, Neeshka becomes incredibly defensive and suspiscious of Elanee, constantly warning her to keep her eyes off the player character (with good reason, as it turns out).

Wait, what? Just how closely has she been watching me?

* * *

Elanee is voiced by Ursulla Abbot (Listen here).
She's a druid, and the last companion we'll be picking up for a while. She makes up the fourth member of our initial party, which is the maximum party size for the first act of the game.
- likes trees and flowers and animals
- likes helping people and being kind
- likes nonviolent equitable solutions (talking)
- dislikes cruelty, especially to animals
- dislikes violence
Like or dislike? She's the first proper good-aligned character in the game; Khelgar's Neutral Good, but only by default, since he doesn't actually really try to help others or defend the weak at this point in time.
The side-effect of this is that if you're not as good as her, she comes off as incredibly whiny and demanding. Actually, this is true of pretty much all the companions in NWN2.
(Thread reaction was overwhelmingly negative towards Elanee - Ed.)

Elanee's a druid, which... oh God, this is complicated.
There's two kinds of mag- okay, three- okay, more like sev- there's a lot of ways to cast magic in D&D. Wizards copy scrolls into their spellbook to accumulate an arsenal of spells; Sorcerers and Warlocks choose a selection of spells they know intuitively at level-up. Clerics and Druids aren't limited by their spellbook - they receive all the spells they're entitled to from their god, gratis.
Divine magic (Cleric and Druid spells, which are largely similar) is mostly focused around defensive magic. Clerics and Druids can heal allies, protect them from attacks and make them stronger, more powerful or immune to certain spells. Divine magic wasn't as flashy as arcane magic because Clerics and Druids were decent fighters in their own right - they could wear armour while casting and wield weapons effectively in combat.
I say wasn't, because in 3rd Edition Clerics and Druids got a massive boost in power. The divine spell list used to cop out at 7th level - now it goes up to 9th. Clerics and Druids have access to offensive magic of their own, as well as retaining all of the old buffs and heals. A lot of the old weapon and armour restrictions (no edged weapons, no metal armour) were removed, meaning a Cleric, properly buffed up, could be just as effective as a Fighter in close combat.
It's just as bad in NWN2 - if not more so, since NWN2 features a lot of undead enemies, and Clerics have a lot of anti-undead abilities at their disposal.
Druids are pretty much the same as Clerics, except instead of being crusaders of the faith, Druids are defenders of nature. The Druid spell list has lots of nature-themed spells like Entangle and Spiderskin, and although Druids can't wear full plate armour off the bat like Clerics can, they gain a number of special unique abilities at higher levels - like Shapechanging into a huge elder elemental.
* * *

Impressing Elanee with our knowledge gives us an Influence point.
It's easy to miss a lot of these Influence gains, since Influence messages only show up in tiny yellow text in the chatlog at the bottom of the screen. With a cinematic conversation like this, it's hard to tell whether you've gained or lost Influence - or if there was an Influence point to be found at all.
Quite frustrating, considering that Influence is a major part of the game.

Three party members, three plans of action, three conversation options, three mutually exclusive Influence gains. This early-game party management is one of the most headache-inducing parts of the game.

Good point. Save this trippy nature bullshit for another adventuring party, we've got better things to do.

To the right we find a clearing with a bear in it. A bear?

A bear!

We attempt to land some deadly ~*Sneak Attacks*~ by attacking the bear from the rear, but it negates our cunning strategy by turning around.

The bear doesn't have a talking animation, so it looks (and sounds) a bit silly. Instead it just pants and gives us a mournful death-stare.

There's two reasons why Elanee has joined our party here. One is because the next most useful party member (after meatshield and skill monkey) is party healer.

The other is to remind us of the plot. Khelgar and Neeshka are just a pair of young reprobates, along for the ride... but Elanee actually has stated goals and objectives. Her story gets us away from tavern brawls and bandit camps and back to the terrible evil blighting the Mere.

Next update is Highcliff. And no, we're nowhere close to getting to Neverwinter.